GE Lighting

GE Logo


store visit uplift

Brand challenge

GE Lighting wanted to encourage shoppers to purchase GE Lighting products where available. Engagement rate, purchase intent and store traffic were key metrics for GE.

Blis solution

Blis worked with GE and deployed it’s Activation solutions including Audience Targeting and Location Targeting to identify and reach GE Lighting’s target audiences with engaging, high-impact creative units and direct them to select major retailers. GE also leveraged Blis’ Attribution solution: Brand Uplift Reports via it’s partnerOnDevice to produce invaluable insights to help GE Lighting optimise the campaign in progress and gain strategic campaign guidance for future planning.

Location Targeting deployed included:

  • Real-time device targeting within proximity of selected major retailers and those with the retailer apps
  • Real-time targeting of retail competitors and those with the competitors’ apps
Audience Targeting deployed included:
  • Retargeting devices seen at the select major retailers
  • App ownership targeting of devices with smart home apps
  • Retargeting devices belonging to shoppers who have purchased lighting and who have been seen at lighting stores; serving ads when those same pre-qualified devices are later seen in another location on a wifi connection

Results and insights

The target audience responded well, and engagement rates exceeded benchmarks by 5%. Those who clicked on this ad continued to engage with a store finder map, with a dwell time of 15 seconds. Other results included:


Ad engagement rate


CTR (mobile carousel interstitial)


Store visit uplift overall


Store visit uplift from control


Store visit rate


Uplift when targeting shoppers in proximity to select retailers
(vs 21% for shoppers most likely to be seen in store after ad exposure)

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